Doctor Who Series III Vol. 2: The Eye of Ashaya

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Мягкий переплет, 170х260 мм, 104 страницы

Doctor Who Series 3 Volume 2 collects "The Eye of Ashaya" and "Space Oddity." In "The Eye of Ashaya," Andy Diggle and Craig Hamilton bring you a tale of the Doctor, Amy, and Rory on a luxury star-liner for some R&R. But as the Doctor crosses paths with a thief from his past, any thoughts of peace go right out the porthole. And, in "Space Oddity," Joshua Hale Fialkov and Horacio Domingues' tell the story of a cosmonaut's attempt at the first space walk in 1965, as his crew watches in horror as he's swallowed whole by a shadow. Only the Doctor can save the spacecraft and the historically important mission.

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